M u s i c f o r F i l m s &
F i l m s a b o u t S u n g' s m u si c

1/9 Award winning documentary film by Lisa Mills and Tim Brown. Documenting the marching bands of Jones High School and Edgewater High School (Orlando, FL), their band leaders, and their trip to the 1964 World's Fair. Score by Stella Sung. 2019.

2/9 A short, award winning animated film produced by the Character Animation program at the Univ. of Central FL. The story about a farmer on another planet and his encounter with a small creature who wreaks havoc in his field of energy-giving flowers. A tale of friendship, sure to warm the heart! Produced by Students at the Univ. of Central FL. Faculty Dir.: Darlene Hadrika. Score by Stella Sung (2015/16).
9/9 "The Groveland Four," a powerful, short documentary film based upon a 1954 Civil Rights incident in Groveland, FL. 20 minute documentary directed and produced by Aaron Hosé. Score by Stella Sung.

1/9 Award winning documentary film by Lisa Mills and Tim Brown. Documenting the marching bands of Jones High School and Edgewater High School (Orlando, FL), their band leaders, and their trip to the 1964 World's Fair. Score by Stella Sung. 2019.
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